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logo hows your mask 1.jpg
activity logo: kid with a mask on his face and a box is hands has his face drawn


Enjoy your project!

Considerations and actions about the meaning and utilities of a Mask!

The project "How's your Mask?" emerges from the mandatory and daily use of a mask to prevent the disease Covid 19. This situation made us reflect about the influence of this artefact on the kids perception, about themselves and the others. In which terms this appliance affects, changes the physical characterisation and defines the personality.


- Trigger the reflecting and acting of students.

- Reflect about the title/question "How's Your Mask?".

- Reflect about the mask use: How this thing can help me?; The mask protects me and the others? ; This artefact takes a part of my freedom?; Is this a way to hide some of my expressions and maybe defaults?;...

- Learn about the utilities of different masks during the times.

- Explore the mask using possibilities: protect, hide, disguise, change, make a statement, or others.

-Let's have fun with masks!

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